

Digital Standard Unit is a community owned 'de-central bank' that issues a decentralised stablecoin. The protocol mints & redeems a stablecoin backed by a reserve asset and is governed by a separate governance token.


Using simple mechanism Digital Standard Unit is able to achieve a number of unique properties:

  • Low Dependencies - Digital Standard Unit has few depenencies, reducing protocol risk.
  • Backed - DSU is 100% backed by low risk collateral.
  • Future-proof - DSU's ethos is un-governance however the protocol can be upgraded to respond to new risks.
  • Community Owned - Protocols that integrate DSU are able to participate in governance
  • Composable - Both DSU & ESS are fully ERC-20 compliant and composable into other platforms.


The Empty Set protocol has two tokens:

⊙ Digital Standard Unit (DSU)

DSU is the stablecoin the protocol issues. This token's purpose is to serve as an analogue to other liability backed stablecoins while offering greater decentralisation.

This token is freely mint-able from the EmptySet reserve and can also be redeemed for assets in the Reserve.

∅ Empty Set Share (ESS)

ESS is the protocol's governance token. It can be used to vote or propose governance actions within the protocol.


Empty Set has a number of community platforms:

  • Discord - Main platform where developers, teams and community members interact.
  • Twitter - Provides updates on governance, partnerships and upgrades to the community.